May 5, 2009

#14 Coolest Place - Burning Man Festival, USA

Every Labor Day week, 40-50,000 people create a fully functioning city in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. It is dedicated to radical self-expression and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace. It is nothing short of amazing and may be the greatest live visual event I have seen. Photographers call this a "shooting gallery" as it is almost impossible not to get great photo after great photo.

Most participants spend the year designing a costume that will make people laugh or seriously entertain them... like the man with light bulb suit above.

During the week, a huge temple is built and vistors post wishes, thoughts and prayers for those who have passed. It is burned to the ground Saturday night as a catharsis (above). Many people leave after the temple burn in the middle of the night after the five hour wait to exit. It's not usually a good idea as there were a dozen cars flipped upside down after they went off the high road in the dark, and only becoming visible the next morning.

All art sculptures are climb-able.

A few friends relax under a green-lit art tree before the Burning Man was burned.

One of many large art installations.

Thousands of people and art cars lit the night just before the burn of the gigantic oil derrick. Burning Man is like being on a five mile wide set of the strangest and coolest movie.

The 250 foot tall oil derrick gets burned as part of a protest against Big Oil.

When To Go: Labor Day weekend or preferably the full week, in early September or late August annually.
Time To Spend Here: 3-7 days - Note you will be camping and need to remove all garbage and anything you bring.
What To Do: Party late into the night at the dozens of giant discos and clubs, get hooked up with a crew and art car and drive all over the central playa checking out events late night, attend all of the Burns nightly, sleep late and explore the thousands of camps, hangout at Center camp, and take a lot of photos...
General Cost: About $250 plus food and vehicle - You must bring all of your own food and water.
UNESCO World Heritage Site: No
Weather: Very hot, very windy with daily sandstorms

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